The Emeritus Academy, under the auspices of the Office of the Provost, invites applications for membership. During the course of their careers, Ohio State University faculty members have developed a rich record in research, research-related, and creative accomplishments; teaching and learning; and outreach and/or engagement. The Emeritus Academy is designed to provide an avenue for their continued work as scholars and their continued engagement with the university to the benefit of students, fellow faculty members, the Ohio State community, and the state, the country, and the world at large. Members of the Emeritus Academy hold the title Academy Professors.
Membership in the Emeritus Academy is for an initial term of five years, with the possibility of renewal. For selection, it is expected that persons are actively involved and productive in an area of research or creative activity; pedagogy or educational advancement; disciplinary/interdisciplinary leadership; and/or outreach and engagement. Examples of such activity typically include one or more of the following:
- Recent publication of research papers and/or books, and specific plans for future publications
- External funding of research
- Leadership roles in learned societies and/or scholarly journals
- Solicited lectures, performances, or exhibits
- Activities impactful on a scholarly discipline or society in general, e.g., expert congressional testimony
- Granted emeritus faculty status by the Board of Trustees
- Currently involved in productive activities consistent with the University's academic mission, broadly defined, such as the scholarship of research or creative activity; the scholarship of educational advancement and pedagogy; or leadership in a discipline or in outreach to the broader community
- In the usual case, the Emeritus Academy candidate will have a sustained record of scholarship
- Continued ties to Ohio State, demonstrated through the use of the Ohio State affiliation in creative and scholarly works or ongoing activity on campus
Software available to members
The following software is available to members of the Emeritus Academy:
- BuckeyeLearn
- Duo
- Docusign
- OSU Wireless
- Office 365
- OSU email Library
- CarmenZoom
The online application for entry into the Academy requires the following:
- Vita since becoming emeritus OR the last five years (file upload as doc, .docx, or .pdf).
- Date of Emeritus Status.
- A narrative that describes the applicant's plans for continued engagement in research, scholarship, and/or creative activity over the next five years (750 word max). Applicants may wish to prepare this narrative in a WORD document, then copy and paste into the online application box.
- An endorsement letter from the TIU head and/or the corresponding dean (file upload as doc, .docx, or .pdf). If more time is needed for this beyond the application deadline, this letter can be emailed to at a later date.
The membership application period is open.
Any questions may be forwarded to the Emeritus Academy at