Office of Academic Affairs

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Emeritus Academy benefits

The Emeritus Academy is a program of the Ohio State Office of Academic Affairs, which funds and supports Academy activities. The OAA liaison with the Academy is Helen Malone, vice provost for academic policy and faculty resources. The Academy meets periodically and has a website and electronic mailing list for announcements and the sharing of other Academy information. In the interest of protecting members' privacy, use of Academy mailing lists, website, and meeting time will be restricted to Academy business.

Members of the Emeritus Academy are granted the title “Academy Professor.” This title may be used during the period in which the individual is an active member of the Academy. (See item H6 in “Faculty Appointments”; all policies pertaining to emeritus faculty are found on pp. 5-6 of that document.)

Lecture Series
Each year the Academy hosts a series of lectures, open to the public, at which current members present their research or creative activity and respond to questions from the audience. Lectures this academic year will be presented via zoom. The lectures also serve as a forum for Academy announcements and business.

Grant Program
The Academy sponsors an annual small research and travel grant program. Emeritus Academy members may apply for up to $2,500 to support their research and creative activities.

Emeritus Academy Grant Program