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Faculty Affairs Approval Request

The purpose of the OAA Faculty Affairs Approval Request process is to accurately capture, track and process requests needing OAA Faculty Affairs review and approval. This process provides increased visibility and control over the review, tracking and approval of requests submitted to OAA Faculty Affairs. It will also help expedite the reviews and responses for all submitted requests.

The OAA Faculty Affairs team is here to support you with each request. Upon submitting a request, a communication will be sent confirming receipt of the request. Additional consultation may be required with the unit prior to final response to the request. Following the review and response, the unit contact will be notified of the final decision. Additional information is provided in the FAQ section below as well as the Search Waiver Guidance. Please contact OAA Faculty Affairs with questions at

Note: This process is separate from the internal unit processes. It is essential that unit-level processes are adhered to prior to initiating the request for OAA approval.


When should I submit a request? 

A request must be submitted using the new process for any of the following categories: 

Counter-Offer Off-Cycle Salary Increase Approval Request

Dual Career Funding Approval Request

Salaries Over $330K Approval Request 

Waivers for National Faculty Search Approval Request: 

  • Dual Career: Candidate is a Dual Career Partner being hired through the Dual Career Program (the waiver for a search does not waive the requirement of a full review with faculty evaluations, recommendations, and chair recommendation to the dean). 
  • Staff: Candidate is a current staff member at Ohio State with current instructional duties and is being moved to a clinical / teaching / practice position. 
  • Staff: Candidate is a current staff member at Ohio State in a Research Scientist position with current student mentoring duties and is being moved to a Research Faculty position. 
  • Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH): Search Waiver for physician/faculty appointment at OSU
  • Academic Continuity Exception: Requests for expedited posting (24 hour minimum) to ensure business continuity (i.e. vacated Associated Faculty position mid-semester). 
  • Other: Fulbright and similar; demonstrated competitive review and evaluation included in the program selection process. 

Are all OAA Faculty Affairs Approval Requests available in the new process? 

At this time, only the approvals listed above are available for the new process. For all other approvals, please follow the original practice for OAA Faculty Affairs review and approval. 

What steps are included in the approval process? 

  1. Initiator visits OFA website.
  2. Click on type of Faculty Affairs Approval Request from the dropdown menu. 
  3. Complete the form to initiate the request and click “Submit”. 
  4. Confirmation of submission is sent to Initiator. 
  5. DocuSign form is generated based on information provided in the form. 
  6. Form routes to unit approvers as defined in the form. 
  7. Unit approvers review and sign (approve) request in DocuSign. 
  8. Form routes to OAA Faculty Affairs for review and response. 
  9. Notification of completion sent to initiator. 

What is the typical duration of the review and response process?

All submitted requests will be reviewed within 5 business days of receipt. Additional consultation may be necessary based on the request. If additional consultation is needed, OAA Faculty Affairs will reach out to schedule a consultation to discuss the details of the request. 

How can others in my unit be made aware of the outcome of the request? 

Additional stakeholders cannot be included in the initial request; however, the approved request may be shared with additional stakeholders for awareness at the completion of the process.

Who should I contact with questions or concerns? 

Please contact OAA Faculty Affairs with any questions or concerns at