This process initiates an exception from the Office of Academic Affairs to hire an individual who does not possess the required degree(s) as outlined in the position description but instead possesses the equivalent experience. Please note that this is a rare exception and should be handled with care.
As outlined in the Faculty Appointments Policy, for faculty holding less than a master’s degree, the university defines the minimum threshold of equivalent experience generally as five years of professional experience or demonstrated skills in the same area in which the potential instructor of record will be teaching. Credentials will be the primary determinant of minimal instructional qualifications, but equivalent professional experience (having a breadth and depth of experience outside the classroom, in real-world situations relevant to what the faculty is teaching) and/or industry credentials are other possible determinants.
OAA has final decision-making authority to determine whether the qualification of an instructor of record whose highest degree is less than a master’s degree meets the minimum threshold.
Such appointments should be rare and will only be approved if it is clear that the expertise of the faculty member fulfills a specific instructional need.
Please follow the steps outlined below to initiate a hiring exception to the highest degree:
- Initiate a request in DocuSign to Helen Malone in the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) at, copying Bobbie Houser (OHR) at
- Include in the following in the email request:
- Description of position / hiring need
- Degree requirement included in the position description
- Description of equivalent experience individual possesses
- Copy of CV
A response will be received, or a meeting will be scheduled to discuss further if additional information is needed prior to providing a response to the request.