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Limited Submission Opportunities

The Office of Foundation Relations manages the limited submission process for private foundation opportunities. Opportunities are listed on the Research Funding and Awards sitePlease contact Luiza Newlin-Lukowicz, executive director of foundation relations, with questions.

The Office of Foundation Relations and the Faculty Affairs are pleased to introduce a new limited submission process for privately funded faculty awards. We are implementing a concise fillable application form that integrates the proposal summary with key information selected from a PI’s C.V. This standardized application form will allow us to streamline the review process, make it more equitable, and align it with other internal processes around faculty recognition.

FunderOpportunityAnticipated Internal Publication DateAnticipated Funder DateIntended RankAcademic Field
W.M. Keck  (Spring Cycle)Science and Engineering and Medical Research Programs10/31/24May (application) - January (concept consultation) All Ranks - Research UniversitiesMedical Research, Science & Engineering
The G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Charitable Foundation (Spring Cycle)Mathers Foundation Grants12/2/24MarchAll RanksBasic Scientific Research (Potential Translational Application)
David and Lucille Packard FoundationPackard Fellowships for Science and Engineering12/16/24April (application) - March (nominations) Early-Career FacultyPhysics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Astronomy, Computer Science, Earth Science, Ocean Science, and  Engineering.
Dr. Ralph and Marian Falk Medical Research Trust Awards ProgramsCatalyst Awards3/5/25JuneFull Time FacultyBiomedical Research
Pew Charitable TrustsPew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences3/14/25September (application) - May (nominations) PhD in Biomedical Sciences, Medicine,   Engineering or the Physical SciencesBiomedical Research and Health Care
William T. Grant FoundationScholars Program3/25/25July (application) - June (Mentor and Reference Letter)Early-Career ResearchersReducing Inequality / Understanding the Use of Research Evidence
Public Interest Technology University NetworkPIT-UN Challenge GrantMarchMayAll RanksPublic Interest in Technology 
Brain Research FoundationScientific Innovations Award4/4/25JuneSenior FacultyNeurological Scientific Discovery
W.M. Keck Foundation (Fall Cycle)Science and Engineering and Medical Research Programs5/1/25November (application) - July (concept consultation)         All Ranks - Research UniversitiesMedical Research, Science & Engineering
Josiah Macy Jr. FoundationMacy Faculty Scholars Program5/13/25SeptemberThree - Eight
Years of Faculty Experience
Medical and Nursing Education
The G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Charitable Foundation (Fall Cycle)Mathers Foundation Grants5/14/25October (application) - September (nomination)All RanksBasic Scientific Research (Potential Translational Application)
Kinship FoundationSearle Scholars Program5/16/25SeptemberAssistant Professor. First year of first Tenure-Track Position (or its nearest equivalent)Biomedical Sciences and Chemistry
Schmidt Futures Schmidt Science Polymaths Program6/16/25November (application) - August (nominations) Recently-Tenured ProfessorsPolymath Scientists
Francis Families FoundationParker B. Francis Fellowship for Pulmonary Research6/24/25OctoberScientists holding a relevant doctoral degree (e.g., M.D., Ph.D., Sc.D., D.V.M., Dr. P.H.) Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
Greenwall FoundationGreenwall Faculty Scholars Program in Bioethics7/1/25SeptemberJunior FacultyBioethics
Carnegie Corporation of New YorkAndrew Carnegie Fellows Program8/13/25NovemberPh.D.,  Terminal Degree, or  High-Level Professional Outside of AcademiaPolitical Polarization in the United States
Gordon and Betty Moore FoundationMoore Inventor Fellows8/19/25December (application) - November (nomination) Faculty, Research Scientist and PostdocsScientific Research, Environmental Conservation and Patient Care
The Mellon FoundationSawyer Seminars Program8/19/25NovemberHumanities FacultyHumanities
Brain Research FoundationSeed Grant Programs9/8/25NovemberAssistant or
Associate Professor
Neuroscience Research
Honda (Corporate) and the Honda USA Foundation Honda (Corporate) and the Honda USA Foundation 2026 -2027 Funding Cycle9/11/25OctoberFull Time Faculty or staffEducation, Environment, Mobility, Traffic Safety
Blavatnik Family FoundationBlavatnik Awards for Young Scientists9/18/25December (application) - November (nomination) Young FacultyScientists and Engineers
Camille & Henry Dreyfus FoundationCamille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards10/1/25January Early-Career FacultyChemical Sciences
Foundation for Food and Agriculture ResearchNew Innovator in Food and Agriculture Research Award1/20/26FebruaryEarly-Career ScientistsFood and Agriculture