Office of Academic Affairs

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Salaries Over $350K Approval Request

Please follow the steps below for a salary exception for faculty with total compensation over $350K: 

  1. Contact Natasha Caines in the Office of Human Resources (OHR) at or 614-247-6294 to obtain the Executive Total Compensation Request for Approval form.
  2. Upon completing, route the form to the college dean and then to Helen Malone in the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) at via DocuSign and copy Bobbie Houser (OHR) at
  3. The request then moves to Executive Compensation in OHR for review and approval.
  4. If the request is for an assistant professor, no additional approvals are required.
  5. If the request is for an associate professor or professor, you must submit the hire request to Helen Malone in OAA for approval via DocuSign. This approval can be contingent but must occur BEFORE the offer is made. This process can happen at the same time as the compensation exception review.
  6. If the offer is contingent upon rank and tenure review, when the rank and tenure review are completed, this must also come to Helen Malone in OAA for review and approval via DocuSign. Following this review, these materials will be forwarded to the BOT for final review and approval