Ohio State began using Interfolio’s Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) tool in autumn 2023. RPT leverages standardization, automation and integrations to eliminate the need for manually maintained paper binders.
All Ohio State faculty are required to use RPT to conduct reviews for reappointment, promotion and tenure. Faculty candidates use RPT to submit their materials, which are then accessed for review by committee members, chairs and deans.
This workflow delivers the following benefits:
- Saves candidates time with efficient digital evaluations
- Automates key elements of the process with defined workflows
- Provides academic leadership with a standard reliable source of evaluation data
How to log in to Interfolio (RPT)
General login steps (RPT)
- Access Ohio State’s Interfolio website: go.osu.edu/Interfolio
- Log in with your Ohio State credentials. You may also need to complete your login via DUO.
On the “Where do you want to go?” screen, two options appear. Click the Ohio State logo to access Ohio State’s Interfolio website. Do NOT click the Interfolio dossier logo. This sends you to an Interfolio section that Ohio State does not use. If you clicked the dossier link by mistake, see RETURN TO OHIO STATE’S INTERFOLIO HOMEPAGE below.
Once you've arrived to Ohio State’s Interfolio website, the following question can be found in the upper left side: "Would you like to come directly to The Ohio State University when you sign in to Interfolio? You can change this at any time in your account settings."
Click YES, to be automatically sent straight to Interfolio’s Ohio State homepage on future visits.
🎦 Step-by-step video guide
Edit your login settings
Did you log in for the first time, and then forget to click “Yes” (or mistakenly click “No”)?
It is easy to correct this by changing a setting in your Interfolio account. Follow steps 1-3 above and then proceed as follows:
- On Ohio State’s Interfolio homepage, look for your name near the top right.
- Click on the menu carat symbol shown to the right of your last name, to display your Interfolio account menu.
Click Account Settings, under the Account Options heading, to view the Settings page.
- In the left-hand navigation column on the Settings page, click on Signing in & Password.
- Under the Default account heading, click on the option for The Ohio State University, and then click the Save button below to retain this change.
- To return to Ohio State’s Interfolio homepage, follow the steps below.
Return to Ohio State's Interfolio homepage
The following steps also work if you mistakenly clicked the Interfolio dossier link instead of the Ohio State logo, when you first logged in.
Begin by taking steps 1 and 2, just above, to re-access your Interfolio account menu; then take the following steps below.
- Under the Switch Accounts heading near the top, click The Ohio State University.
Wait for Ohio State’s Interfolio homepage to load.
Faculty Candidates
Most faculty candidates are notified via email that their cases are available in Interfolio’s RPT tool. Emails sent from the Interfolio system have the subject “Case Available” and provide a direct case link that remains valid for 30 days.
✓ Once a candidate is notified, they can also access their case from Interfolio’s Ohio State homepage, by clicking Packets near the top left side.
When a candidate clicks the notification email’s case link, they will arrive on the case’s Overview tab, located just under the unit name near the top left. Most faculty candidates’ cases contain multiple sections, many of which require either file uploads or form submissions. Interfolio Coordinators can assign submission deadlines to candidate case sections.
✓ To satisfy a case section form requirement, the form must be submitted (not just saved).
Candidate case section display settings:
- Display a single case section’s instructions and requirements: click the carat symbol to the left of a section name.
- Display all sections’ instructions and requirements: click on the Packet tab just to the right of the Overview tab. Next, click Expand All in the upper blue bar just below the Packet tab.
After a candidate completes all of a candidate case sections’ requirements, this section is automatically locked by the Interfolio system. Each candidate case section can be unlocked if a candidate later needs to make changes. Interfolio Coordinators manage who has the ability to unlock candidates’ case sections as well as related expectations, which may vary across colleges and TIUs.
Learn more
A Candidate’s Guide to Populating and Submitting a Packet Using Interfolio RPT
Non-Candidate Faculty (committee members, PODs, chairs and deans)
✓ Once a faculty candidate has begun submitting required materials in RPT, their case will automatically advance to the first case review step. This is a change made by the Interfolio vendor sometime in spring 2024. After a case has advanced to the first case review step, candidates can continue working in any candidate case sections that remain unlocked.
Cases must be manually forwarded to subsequent case review steps. Interfolio Coordinators help manage this workflow and related communications, which may vary across colleges and TIUs.
- Approach 1 (preferred): Notification email sent from the candidate’s RPT case to reviewers on the next case review step. This approach is preferred, because the email communication is captured in the case activity log. When emailing reviewers from the case, there is an option to customize the email subject, such as telling reviewers which candidate’s case is coming their way.
- Approach 2: Notification email sent, but not from inside the candidate’s case. Although not recommended, a case can be moved to another case review step without an email being sent from the case to reviewers.
Accessing a candidate’s case for review
When a case is moved forward to the next case review step, reviewers on the new step can access the case by clicking on the Cases link in the lower left navigation area of Interfolio’s Ohio State homepage, then searching for and clicking on a candidate’s name to open that person’s case. A reviewer on this case review step will lose access to the case after it is moved forward to the next review step, but can regain access in one of two ways:
- the case is manually moved back to the previous case review step
- when the case has moved forward to a subsequent review step to which the reviewer also has access
View case review step instructions and requirements
By default, a case opens on the Case Materials tab, located just under the unit name near the top of the page. Click on the adjacent Case Details tab to display instructions and requirements for this case review step.

Options for opening and navigating through a candidate’s packet
To view the candidate’s materials, click the Read Case button, located just to the right of the search field near the top of the page. After opening the Read Case display, reviewers can use the left side navigation to skip from place to place in the candidate’s packet. Reviewers also have multiple options for downloading parts or all of a packet.
Learn more
Frequently Asked Questions
What happened to Vita?
Vita was retired on July 31, 2023. Interfolio’s Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) tool was rolled out at the start of the 2023-24 academic year.
What has changed about submitting promotion & tenure (P&T) materials?
The new process is essentially the same, with one exception—you will now log in to Interfolio to submit your P&T materials. Continue following your TIU’s guidelines for preparing P&T materials, and save them as a PDF or Word file.
I am a faculty candidate going up for review. How do I submit my P&T materials that are saved as a PDF or Word file?
Log in to Interfolio, and then access the RPT tool to submit your P&T materials.