Office of Academic Affairs

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Chapter 3 — Section 1


1.1 Timetable 

All colleges are encouraged to deliver dossiers to the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) as soon as the college-level review, including the comments process, is complete, regardless of due date. 

The dates below are the latest time at which dossiers can be delivered for each group of colleges. If an individual case requires delayed submission, a request must be submitted to the vice provost for academic policy and faculty resources, with copy to Bobbie Houser, OAA's HR Business Partner, with an indication of the anticipated delivery date. Without such authorization, no dossiers may be submitted beyond the published timetable. 

Second Friday in January 

These eight colleges without departments and the University Libraries must submit all Fourth-Year Reviews, any annual reviews with a non-renewal recommendation from the dean, all promotion and tenure (P&T) cases, and any probationary reappointment cases by the second Friday in January. 

Public Affairs
Public Health
Social Work
University Libraries

Fourth Friday in January 

Arts and Sciences

Second Friday in February 

Education and Human Ecology
Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Fourth Friday in February 

Veterinary Medicine 

1.2 Submission to OAA

Colleges submit all promotion and promotion with tenure dossiers to OAA via Interfolio. The college office will notify OAA’s HR business partner when all dossiers have been released to OAA. See the OAA Faculty Affairs Interfolio website for more information.  

1.3 Public Records Act

The Ohio Public Records Act (see OAA Policies and Procedures Handbook, Chapter 2, section 12.0 for more information on public records) requires that public records be made available upon request. All documents generated for P&T and reappointment reviews are public records. Candidates and others may request access to these documents and units must provide them. Evaluators may be informed that candidates have asked to view evaluation letters, though this is not required. More information is available through the Public Records Office in the Office of Compliance and Integrity.

1.4 Review schedule for mid-academic year start dates for probationary tenure-track, clinical/teaching/practice, and research faculty

All faculty starting within the same calendar year are in the same cohort for promotion and tenure reviews. For example, a tenure track faculty member starting in 2024 is in the 2024–2025 cohort and will come up for mandatory promotion and tenure review in 2029–30.