Office of Academic Affairs

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Chapter 1 — Section 2


2.0 Appointments, promotion, and tenure document

2.0.1 Departments and schools and colleges 

Faculty Rule 3335-6-02 and Faculty Rule 3335-3-35 require every department and school to have an APT document describing the criteria and procedures for making recommendations regarding the appointment, promotion, and compensation of faculty. The creation or revision of the department/school APT requires broad faculty consultation with all voting members of the tenure initiating unit and must be approved by the dean of the college and the executive vice president and provost. 

Faculty Rule 3335-6-02 likewise requires each college to have an APT document. The Rule also requires that the college APT be drawn up through broad faculty consultation and must be approved by the executive vice president and provost. 

OAA expects newly appointed or reappointed TIU heads and deans to submit a new or reaffirmed APT to OAA no later than one year from the date they are appointed or reappointed. TIU-level APTs must be approved by the relevant college office before submission to OAA. Time extensions for submission can only be authorized by OAA and deans need to make the request on behalf of their college or TIU. 

If a TIU head or dean wishes to reaffirm the APT without amendment, it must be current with university rules and policies. Specific sections of the document can be revised as the need arises. For TIUs, such revisions must be approved by both the dean of the college and OAA. The current APT remains in effect until a revised or reaffirmed one is approved by OAA. The senior vice provost for faculty encourages TIU heads and deans to submit drafts of APTs to OAA for consultation and advice prior to formal submission of their document. 

TIUs are responsible for providing a copy (or a link to access the document online) of the current APT document to tenure-track, clinical/teaching/professional practice, and research faculty with the letter of offer.  

2.0.2 Regional campuses 

Although not stipulated in Faculty Rule 3335-3-29.1, which details the responsibilities of a regional campus dean and director, OAA requires regional campuses to develop an APT in consultation with their campus faculty. 

2.0.3 Required APT outlines 

The required outline for the APT for departments and schools is available in the TIU APT guideline document 

The required outline for the APT for colleges with TIUs is available in the college with TIUs APT guideline document 

The required outline for the APT for colleges that are TIUs is available in the college as TIU APT guideline document. 

The required outline for the APT for regional campuses is available in the regional campus APT guideline document. 

Directions about individual components of the relevant APT are provided in an instruction sheet that precedes each guideline document.