Chapter 3 — Sections 6-7

Chapter 3 — Sections 6-7


6.0 Resources for faculty building the core dossier

6.1 Generating the core dossier 

Information on using Faculty Activity Reporting in Interfolio is available on the Faculty Affairs website 

Faculty are strongly encouraged to keep documentation to support the contents of the core dossier. There is no need to maintain a hard copy record; a digital record is sufficient.  

Examples of documentation include, but is not limited, to the following: 

Teaching: SEI reports (including comments), peer evaluations of instruction, course syllabi for courses taught, records of program development. 

Research and creative activity: communication related to manuscripts under review or in press, communication related to funded grants that haven’t yet been awarded, conference programs, art installations, creative works and performances. 

Service: communication related to ongoing or completed service, documentation of roles and responsibilities of service commitments.  

6.2 Guidance for writing narratives 

OAA offers guidance on writing the narratives that accompany the lists of evidence provided in the core dossier. This Telling Your Story workshop is offered once per year in an in-person workshop as well as through an asynchronous online course.  

6.3 Recommendations related to interdisciplinary scholarship 

This document provides tips and recommendations for creating an interdisciplinary or transciplinary core dossier. Additional recommendations on building a description of one’s inter- or trans-disciplinary work is provided in the online wokshop “Telling Your Story” offered by OAA.  

7.0 Guidelines for evaluation

7.1 Using the criteria in the APT document 

It is important that each case be evaluated on its own merits against the criteria set forth in the unit’s APT document. To ensure that each case is being judged against those criteria, OAA strongly encourages the P&T committee chair or POD to read aloud the criteria in the unit’s APT document for each case it is adjudicating, even if the same action is being considered (e.g., promotion to professor). Commitee members are strongly encouraged to review those criteria before reviewing the case in preparation for the meeting. For cases of joint appointments (including Discovery Theme positions), the P&T committee needs to consider the criteria for scholarship achievement in the joint TIU or Discovery Theme unit, in proportion to the candidate’s appointment distribution. 

7.2 Strategies for effective evaluation 

This document provides an overview of assumptions made and strategies to overcome those assumptions when evaluating a candidate’s dossier. OAA encourages all committees of eligible faculty to review these practices prior to reviewing their colleagues’ cases.