Chapter 2 — Sections 3-7

Chapter 2 — Sections 3-7


3.0 Regional campuses

The four regional campuses—Lima, Mansfield, Marion, and Newark—offer Associate of Arts degrees, Bachelors of Arts and Bachelors and Science degrees in selected areas, as well as undergraduate and graduate programs in selected areas (e.g., master of social work, master of arts in educational studies). 

Courses and programs on these campuses must be approved by the relevant units on the Columbus campus. All courses and programs taught on the regional campuses are Ohio State courses and programs, not regional campus courses.

Regional campus faculty members are assigned to the campus that hired them for the duration of their employment with the university unless a campus transfer is made under the terms of Faculty Rule 3335-6-07.

The TIU of regional campus faculty is the discipline-based unit on the Columbus campus. This arrangement necessitates considerable cooperation between the regional campus and the Columbus campus TIU to assure that appointments, annual reviews, and P&T reviews are carried out in a manner fair to the faculty and consistent with the needs and standards of both the TIU and the regional campus.

4.0 University Senate

For the powers of the University Senate, see Faculty Rule 3335-5-41

The University Senate is the shared governing body of The Ohio State University. It is comprised of 71 faculty, 41 students (26 undergraduate, 10 graduate, and 5 professional), 5 staff members, and 24 administrators. Faculty members are elected from each of the 15 colleges, with the number of representatives proportional to the size of the college. Faculty representatives are also elected from each regional campus, the University Libraries, and the armed services departments. Student members are elected from the Undergraduate Student Government (USG), the Council of Graduate Students (CGS), and the Inter-Professional Council (IPC). Staff members are selected by the University Staff Advisory Committee. The administrative members of the Senate include the deans of each college, the president, the executive vice president and provost, and other senior leaders. Most of the business of the University Senate is conducted through its 19 committees.

5.0 Rules of University Faculty

Chapters of the Rules of the University Faculty with special relevance to faculty and academic administrators are:

3335-3 — Administration 

3335-5 — Faculty, Governance and Committees

3335-6 — Tenure-track Faculty Appointments, Reappointments, and Promotion and Tenure

3335-7 — Clinical/Teaching/Practice & Research Faculty Appointment, Reappointment and Non-reappointment, and Promotion

The remaining Chapters of the Rules of the University Faculty are:

3335-8 — Instruction

3335-9 — Attendance and Graduation

3335-11 — Student Affairs 

3335-13 — University Property

3335-15 — Miscellaneous Provisions

5.1 Bylaws of the University Senate

3335-17 — Election Bylaws of University Senate

3335-19 — Bylaws of University Senate

5.2 Code of Student Conduct

3335-23 — Code of Student Conduct

6.0 Faculty in memoriam resolutions

The BOT Office makes reasonable efforts to stay informed of deaths of active and emeritus faculty. When a death is noted (for example, in local newspaper obituaries) the BOT Office contacts the dean of the faculty member’s college and requests that a memoriam be written and sent to the BOT Office. That resolution is then taken to the next BOT meeting for approval. After the BOT meeting, a certified copy of the memoriam and a letter from the president are sent to the family of the deceased.

7.0 Managing situation thare are highly charged with emotion or potentially violent

Ohio State must always be aware of and respond carefully to incidents or circumstances that increase risks to the university community. Below are general guidelines, including information about when and how to access these resources for assisting and/or taking action when anyone of the university community experiences distress or causes a disruption.

Workplace violence does not occur in a vacuum but is preceded by patterns of problematic behaviors and interactions. Individuals should be encouraged to speak out to others if actions, words, or behaviors cause uncomfortable situations in the workplace. 

If initial attempts to bring a stop to behaviors such as verbal outbursts or intimidation are not effective or are met with an escalation of anger, appropriate assistance is available from departmental Senior HR professionals, the Office of Human Resource Consulting, the Office of Institutional Equity, or the University Employee Assistance Program (contact information for the latter two offices appears below). 

When reasonable attempts do not work, it may be necessary to convene a meeting of a university Crisis Assessment Team (CAT Team; contact information appears below), consisting of representatives from the Office of Human Resources, University Police, Employee Health, University Employee Assistance Program, Environmental Health and Safety, and other units when appropriate, such as the Office of Legal Affairs, the Office of Institutional Equity, and/or the Office of Academic Affairs. The Crisis Assessment Team will meet with leaders from the affected area, conduct a risk assessment, and make specific recommendations to be implemented. 

911 should be called any time there is concern for personal safety.

The most important point is to not tolerate or excuse inappropriate behavior but to reach out for consultation and guidance. Directors and peers should remember the following: 

  • A goal of The Ohio State University is to provide a workplace in which violence of any kind is neither tolerated nor excused. 
  • Extremely violent acts do not occur in a vacuum but are often the culmination of a pattern of escalating negative interactions. 
  • Zero tolerance for violence and intimidation, whether verbal or physical, must become part of the culture of the organization through education, performance expectations, and predictable administrative response to offenses. 

The Ohio State University provides multiple resources to assist leaders and others in responding appropriately and with support to inappropriate workplace behavior. 

  • Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy
  • Workplace Violence Policy (HR policy 7.05)
  • Senior Human Resource Professionals in academic and work settings 
  • The Office of Institutional Equity, OIE (614-247-5838)
  • The University Employee Assistance Program, EAP (1-800-678-6265) 
  • Crisis Assessment Team (CAT team)
  • OSU Wexner Medical Center Security (614-293-8500); emergency (911) 
  • Guide to Assist Disruptive or Distressed Individuals, found on the front page of the Suicide and Mental Health Task Force site
  • Columbus campus: OSU Police Department (614-292-2121); emergency (911) 
  • Lima campus: Campus Security Office (567-242-7400); emergency (911) 
  • Mansfield campus: Campus Security Office (419-755-4346 or -4218); emergency (911) 
  • Marion campus: Public Safety Office (740-725-6300); emergency (911) 
  • Newark campus: Public Safety Department (740-366-9237); emergency (911)