Policies and Procedures Handbook

Policies and Procedures Handbook

This handbook contains the faculty and academic unit procedures promulgated by the Office of Academic Affairs. It is an accompaniment to the OAA policies available through the Office of University Compliance and Integrity and posted on the OAA Policies, Guidelines, and Forms website. It is updated annually or in response to a change to the Rules of the University Faculty or the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees.  


Each section includes the dates the last time the section was revised. The structure of the handbook was revised significantly in autumn 2024, and all revision dates were reset. The 2023 version of the handbook is archived on the Faculty Affairs website.

Rules of the University Faculty

When referring the reader to specific language in the Rules of the University Faculty, this handbook will link to the index housed on the Ohio State Board of Trustees website and provide the chapter and section numbers that will allow the reader to find the specific reference. 

Common abbreviations used in this handbook

ACE: American Council on Education 
APT: Appointments, promotion, and tenure 
BOT: Board of Trustees 
CAFR: Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility 
CEF Committee of Eligible Faculty 
FAR: Faculty Activity Reporting 
FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 
FPL: Faculty Professional Leave 
FTE: Full Time Equivalent 
IUC: Inter-University Council 
LOA: Leave of Absence 
OAA: Office of Academic Affairs 
OFA: Office of Faculty Affairs 
OHR: Office of Human Resources 
OIE: Office of Institutional Equity 
P&T: Promotion and Tenure 
POA: Pattern of Administration 
POD: Procedures Oversight Designee 
RPT: Review, Promotion, and Tenure 
SA: Special Assignment 
SEI: Student Evaluation of Instruction 
SHIFT: Strategic Hiring Initiative for Faculty Talent 
TIU: Tenure-Initiating Unit 


Chapter 1: Governance Documents

Chapter 1: Governance Documents kuhlman.137@osu.edu

Chapter 2: Unit Administration

Chapter 2: Unit Administration kuhlman.137@osu.edu

Chapter 3: Promotion, Tenure, and Reappointment

Chapter 3: Promotion, Tenure, and Reappointment kuhlman.137@osu.edu

Chapter 4: Appeals and Complaint Procedures

Chapter 4: Appeals and Complaint Procedures kuhlman.137@osu.edu

Chapter 5: Office of Academic Affairs Administration

Chapter 5: Office of Academic Affairs Administration kuhlman.137@osu.edu

Chapter 6: Faculty Awards and Recognition

Chapter 6: Faculty Awards and Recognition kuhlman.137@osu.edu

Chapter 7: Faculty Development

Chapter 7: Faculty Development kuhlman.137@osu.edu